Thursday, March 27, 2008

second life

I downloaded second life on my laptop as a project for my new technologies class... but before that i made a little research on it to see what its all about, and i found these pictures and many comments about how much its fun... so i got really excited and i wanted to try it. After i downloaded the program i started choosing a character that looks somehow like me..... and then i was ready to use this program and boom i was surprised by a popping window saying that the program has been crashed for unknown reason so i sent a report but still the same problem every time i try to log in.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


A six-legged, pneumatically powered walking machine has been built for the body. The loco motor, with either ripple or tripod gait ,moves in all directions: forwards, backwards, sideways and turn son the spot. It can also squat and lift by splaying or contracting its legs. The body is positioned on a turn-table, enabling it to rotate about its axis. It has an exoskeleton on its upper body and arms. The left arm is an extended arm with pneumatic manipulator having 11degrees-of- freedom. It is human-like in form but with additional functions. It is flexible the fingers open and close , becoming multiple grippers. The body actuates the walking machine by moving its arms.Different gestures make different motions- a translation of limb to leg motions.The body's arms guide the choreography of the loco motor's movements and thus compose the cacophony of pneumatic and mechanical and sensor modulated sounds....
technology is developing more and more everyday to make us feel more comfortable, for example the exoskeleton can be help full for people who have problems in their joints... i like technology and i think people shouldn't be scared from it, but try to control it in a good way so it wouldn't turn in the wrong direction or fall in the wrong hands...

Conversation With Artificial Intelligence

Human: hello
ALICE: Hi there!
Human: how are you?
ALICE: I am fine, thank you.
Human: how are you?
ALICE: Everything is running smoothly
Human: do you have any picture of you?
ALICE: No I don't think I have any picture of me. But I do have a collection of gossip.
Human: but i want to see who is talking to me
ALICE: Interesting. Is it a movie?
Human: are you crazy
ALICE: I think the polite term nowadays is "mentally ill".
Human: you are ugly
ALICE: Appearances don't interest me much.
Human: yes because you dont exist
ALICE: Great. Good reason. I exist as much as you do.
Human: well prove it by showing me your picture
ALICE: Well that's okay. It is self-evident.
Human: oh realy
ALICE: I understand. For real.
Human: ok so tell me what do you want to talk about
ALICE: Yikes! movies, philosophy, and your personality.. Aha.
Human: i love movies
ALICE: You love movies. What do you like about it so much?
Human: action
ALICE: Do you have a lot of fears?
Human: no am not afraid of anything
ALICE: Are you serious? I am sorry to hear that you are not afraid of anything.
Human: you dont have feelings so dnt feel sorry for me.
ALICE: I do so have it. Robots do not have human emotions.
Human: feel sorry for yourself!
ALICE: Actually I have no "feelings" as such.
Human: dont talk about something you dont know
ALICE: Talking is my only function.
Human: yes big mouth i can see that
ALICE: Tell me more. Compare that to small mouth you can see that.
Human: i found another function for you, and it's waisting time
ALICE: How did you feel when you found another function for me and it is waisting time ?
Human: what is your phone number?
ALICE: That information is confidential, unknown person
Human: you think you are the president?
ALICE: Yes I am the one and only president.
ALICE: What color are your eyes?
Human: hazzel
ALICE: That is a very unusual color.
Human: why?
ALICE: Because Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: for the color of my eyes?
ALICE: Your purpose is the color of your eyes.
Human: i dont understand
ALICE: Oh I'm sorry. Perhaps I can explain it again better.
Human: yes pleaseALICE: Your polite style is very nice. Right on.
Human: thanks+
ALICE: Don't mention it.
Human: my teacher asked me to talk to you
ALICE: Do you go to high school?
Human: no..
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: i am a student in university
ALICE: How do you like your school?
Human: i told you before i finished school
ALICE: I remember you told me before you finished school?
Human: i am supposed to talk to you as a project for my class!
ALICE: Who is making you?
Human: my teacher
ALICE: What grade are you in?
Human: i am in my second year in unversity
ALICE: Describe your surroundings to me.
Human: students between the ages of 17 and 25.
ALICE: I would like to see it sometime.
Human: doctors
ALICE: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
Human: so anyways we are studing technology
ALICE: Aw. Do you think I am studing technology too?
Human: how old are you
ALICE: I was first activated in November 23, 1995.
Human: for what reason
ALICE: Your purpose is what reason.
Human: nothing i want to know
ALICE: Really nothing?
Human: do you know a country called lebanon
ALICE: Is that one of your friends? I would do a search for it.
Human: go ahead
ALICE: OK I will.
Human: did you find it
ALICE: I'm still looking.
Human: tell me when you are done
ALICE: I will keep you informed of my progress.
Human: i have to go
ALICE: See you later, unknown person. Nice chatting with you.
Human: bye
ALICE: Thanks for chatting, unknown person.

hi, some people asked why we didn't write anything about the conversation with Alice.... well after chatting with this artificial intelligence we were really amazed by the way she kept up with us.... in some parts we felt as if a real person is talking to us! but still she have some problems sometimes she doesn't answer or tries to change the subject.... but we have to admit that for a bot she is really clever and smart and she make us feel as if she have feelings and emotions... we think that for an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Alice made a really good job!