Monday, May 26, 2008

New Video Games: XGP and Surprise XGP Mini!

The GP2X handheld gaming console has released photos of two upcoming models that may have the same PMP and emulation goodness. These may be geared towards the commercial market in different packages. First XGP which looks like a slightly bent PSP is redesigned(Extreme Game Player) that is handheld, and it ditches the swivel screen design that once opined "looks a bit like the bastard child of a PSP and a Sidekick," to become a more traditional Game Gear / Lynx / Nomad-type form factor, while one-upping the GP2X in screen size (4-inches vs. 3.5), the addition of a DMB TV receiver, and a little standard known as WiFi. and the surprise, was the XGP Mini, an obvious rip-off of homage to the Game Boy Micro, which like the GP2X and XGP, sports an SD slot and 64MB NAND memory.

The competition between the companies that are creating these games are increasing, to make their products more successful. And what makes GP2X a good product is that it focused on being a niche product, catered towards the hardcore who were after open systems. And what makes it more special is the analog stick on a portable gaming device which no company put before.


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